NASA Landslide Reporter (2017 - 2019)
As Landslide Citizen Science Project Coordinator at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC), I instituted and lead the development of the Cooperative Open Online Landslide Repository (COOLR) project under the project manager, Dr. Dalia Kirschbaum and the NASA landslides team. COOLR is the largest global open online landslide catalog, containing data from NASA's Global Landslide Catalog (GLC), citizen scientists, and other landslide inventories.
I created and executed the vision of a landslide citizen science project, implementing COOLR's website and the supporting materials on, and managing and updating its component web applications, Landslide Viewer and Landslide Reporter. I worked closely with the project manager, the landslides team, NASA, citizen scientists, and numerous commercial and research-oriented stakeholders to improve and expand the system. Additionally, I independently organized outreach through written and graphic publications, presentations, and social media campaigns. With the landslides team, I authored a paper describing the system's methods and initial results, published in PLOS ONE.
Skills used:
HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Adobe Illustrator, Shotcut, Esri ArcMap and Web App Builder, branding, writing, research, science communication and presentation, outreach
Time Taken:
1.5 years
Cooperative Open Online Landslide Repository (COOLR) introductory video

Screenshots of the home page and "Report a Landslide" page of the website. See Github for more details.
More Info:
Juang CS, Stanley TA, and Kirschbaum DB (2019) Using citizen science to expand the global map of landslides: Introducing the Cooperative Open Online Landslide Repository (COOLR). PLOS ONE 14(7): e0218657. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0218657
Zarley, B. D. (2019, November 21). NASA Wants YOU to Help Track Landslides. [Interview] Freethink. Retrieved from
"Help NASA Build the Largest Open Landslide Catalog with Landslide Reporter", Discover: Citizen Science Salon, Waukesha, WI (March 23, 2018)
"Citizen Scientists Find Undocumented Landslides", NASA Earth Observatory, Greenbelt, MD (July 11, 2019)
NASA (2018, August 15). Land is Sliding, Tell Us Where! [Web blog post] Tumblr. Retrieved from
NASA (2018, August 15). NASA Snapchat on Landslide Citizen Science [Snapchat Story] Snapchat.
- Juang, C. (2019). 10th Anniversary Next Generation Plenary: Harnessing citizen science for the future of Earth Observation. Accepted presenter and panelist at the 70th International Astronautical Congress. Washington, DC. 20-25 October 2019.
- Watch my plenary Presentation:
- Juang, C., Stanley, T., & Kirschbaum, D. (2019). Landslide Reporter’s First Year: Contributions and Collaborations in Global Landslide Citizen Science. Oral presentation at the Citizen Science Association 2019 Conference. Raleigh, NC. 13-17 March.
- Juang, C., Stanley, T., Kirschbaum, D., & Shute, J. (2018). Local Landslides, Global Perspective: Enhancing our Global Landslide Catalog with New Citizen Science Data and Inventories. [PA23C-11]. eLightning presentation at the 2018 Fall Meeting, American Geophysical Union. Washington, DC. 10-14 December.
- View my eLightning Poster:
- Juang, C., T. Stanley, & Kirschbaum, D. (2018). Cooperative Open Online Landslide Repository (COOLR) to Enhance Disaster Research and Prediction. [IAC-18,B1,6-GTS.1,3,x47268]. Presented at the 69th International Astronautical Congress 2018. Bremen, Germany. 1-5 October.
- Stanley, T., Juang, C., & D. B. Kirschbaum (2017). Citizen science, GIS, and the global hunt for landslides. [IN24B-03]. Abstract presented at the 2017 Fall Meeting, American Geophysical Union. New Orleans, LA. 11-15 December.