Earth, Space, and Beyond
I am an Earth scientist, STEM advocate, and artist. I am excited about understanding our planet Earth, and sharing my passion for Earth and space!
As a Ph.D. Candidate and NSF Fellow at Columbia University in the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, I am interested in using satellite data, big datasets, and statistical modeling to understand natural hazards in the context of modern climate. Under the mentorship of my advisor Dr. Park Williams, I am currently investigating how climate affects wildfires in the western United States.
Between college graduation and my Ph.D., I was a project coordinator at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center/ Science Systems and Applications, Inc. in Greenbelt, MD, where I launched and managed the NASA citizen science project Landslide Reporter. I obtained my Bachelor of Arts in Earth & Planetary Sciences and a minor in Environmental Sciences and Public Policy from Harvard University. My senior thesis research titled, "25 Years of Carbon Exchange and its Factors in the Harvard Forest", received an Honors recommendation.
On the side, I am motivated by my passion to increase access to opportunities in STEM and dedicate my free time to mentoring students and volunteering for outreach and diversity initiatives in the aerospace and Earth science communities. I co-founded SpaceInterns.org, (a platform for aerospace-related resources and an opportunities database), and am Steering Committee member of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders in Geosciences (AAPIiG). I recently served a 3-year term as a member of the Executive Leadership Team for the Brooke Owens Fellowship,
I am also an artist who creates illustrations, comics, and digital designs for my science, to express my love for space, and to creatively tell stories. I post on Instagram and in my shop.
I would love to hear from you about collaborations or opportunities, and engage with you on my social media.
2021 - Fellow, National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship (GRFP)
2020 - Grant Awardee, Future Investigators in NASA Earth and Space Science and Technology (FINESST)
2020 - Fellowship Finalist, Paul & Daisy Soros Fellowships for New Americans
2019 - Outreach Award, Earth Sciences Division Annual Peer Awards, NASA GSFC
2019 - Future Space Leader Grant Winner, Future Space Leaders Foundation
2019 - Accepted Panelist, 70th IAC 10th Anniversary Next Generation Plenary, SGAC/IAF
2019 - Scholarship Winner, Space Generation Congress 2020 Logo Competition, SGAC
2018 - NASA@work Challenge Winner, NASA
2017 - Scholarship Winner, Space Generation Congress 2018 Logo Competition, SGAC
2017 - Brooke Owens Fellowship
2017 - David McCord Prize for Achievement in Arts, Harvard University
2015 - Harvard China Student Internship Program Grant, Harvard China Fund, Harvard University
2012 - Scholarship Essay Contest Winner, OCA-Asian Pacific American Advocates-Long Island
Selected Community Leadership
2022 - Colloquium Organizing Committee, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory
2021 to present - Steering Committee, Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders in Geosciences
2020 to present - Co-Founder, SpaceInterns.org
2020 to 2023 - Executive Team, Brooke Owens Fellowship
2020 - First Year Committee Chair, Department of Earth & Environmental Sciences (DEES) Graduate Student Council, Columbia University
2020 - Webmaster, Brooke Owens Fellowship
2020 - Brookie Alumni Mentor, Brooke Owens Fellowship
2020 - Abstract Judge, 36th Space Symposium
2019 to 2022 - Volunteer Designer, Girls' Science Day, Women in Science at Columbia
2019 to present - Mentor and Panelist, Virtual Graduate School Application Bootcamp, Students for the Exploration and Development of Space (SEDS)
2019 - Mentor for Fall Meeting Abstracts, American Geophysical Union (AGU)
2019 - Operations & Publications Team, 8th Space Generation Fusion Forum (SGFF) Organizing Team, Space Generation Advisory Council (SGAC)
M.Phil., Earth and Environmental Sciences, Columbia University
M.A., Earth and Environmental Sciences, Columbia University
B.A., Earth and Planetary Sciences, Harvard University