I produced a science animation explaining why Venus does not have an ocean today, as a final project for a class, VES 54S: Animating Science at Harvard University. Below you can watch the animation, and also I describe some of the stills. You can read more project notes on my website.
Animation Stills

Screencap 1: A visualization of a planetesimal, an early planet beginning to form from rocky material clumping together by gravity.

Screencap 2: I'm proud of these two illustrations of Venus and Earth, which were drawn in Adobe Illustrator. Lines pointing to the materials and the size of the planets show their similarities.

Screencap 3: A demonstration of how Venus' and Earth's atmospheres developed. Earth is highlighted on the left to show how temperatures and water vapor pressure increased to form liquid water, by the Clausius-Clayperon equation. The plot on the right animates the phase diagram for water from Jacob (1999)'s Atmospheric Chemistry textbook.